Things We Read and Loved: Trends in Healthcare

Kaitlyn Whelan

Happy New Year, loyal blog readers! We thought we'd kick off the year with some things we read and loved, where we take a look at trends in healthcare and how we can learn, practice and be critical of innovations.

Medical and Health News That Stuck With Us in 2016
From the Zika virus to patient journeys on mental health advocacy, the New York Times covers the year in beautiful photos and stories.

Five 'Big Idea' Biotech Trends To Watch In 2017
From drug companies to new research, Luke Timmerman explores issues and concerns while discussing the top biotech trends to look out for in the new year.

The Importance of a Culture Where Hospital Staff Can Admit Their Mistakes
Who benefits when hospitals are transparent with errors? This article provides insight into safely admitting mistakes and creating a culture where hospital staff can communicate errors effectively.

What Doctors Can Learn From Looking at Art
Top medical schools are incorporating the study of art into their curriculum for better interpretation of details and emotions.


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